Elon Musk 10 Rules For Success

No Bullshit but 10 freaking rules for Elon’s Success by Harsh Makadia on Twitter

Elon Musk 10 Rules For Success

Elon Musk 10 Rules For Success:

1. Work Like Hell
2. Have a High Pain Threshold
3. Critical Thinking
4. Add Value to Society
5. Take Risks
6. Have a Great Product / Service
7. Attract Great People
8. Constantly Seek Criticism
9. Don’t Follow the Trend
10. Overcome Critics

Link to the tweet here 👉 : https://twitter.com/MakadiaHarsh/status/1570696016386732032

Follow Harsh Makadia here 👉 : https://twitter.com/MakadiaHarsh

Credits: Harsh Makadia

The thread has been converted into this write-up using Memdotai.

Follow Memdotai here 👉 : https://twitter.com/memdotai

Credits: Memdotai

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Raghu Vamsi Coding, signing off…

